Monday, January 2, 2012

What I've Learned So Far (part 1)

I'll spread these out over time, but here's just a few:

- A man created the term "morning sickness" to fool us into thinking we would only get it in the morning.  It should be called "all the time and probably in public sickness."

- Most women do not have morning sickness 24/7 and into the second trimester.  I did.  So it could happen to you.

- Your gums bleed.  Profusely.

- Your nose is constantly stuffed up.

- You have extra mucus.  Everywhere.  I'll let you think about that one.

- If you throw up at work and lose weight at the beginning of your pregnancy, no one feels bad for you.  They just think you are a crazy girl with an eating disorder.

- Your organs move around inside of you.

- Small meals throughout the day, saltines, ginger, sea bands, and (safe) prescription nausea medicine all sound like great solutions to morning sickness when you read about them in pregnancy books.  Until they do not work.  Then when people hand them out as "secrets" to solving your morning sickness, you stifle the urge to punch them in the face.

- Another time I will tell you about the "semi-permanent hairball" in the back of my throat.  Let's save that for later.

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